Tuesday 7 August 2012

Banner Grab- Free Connection, Trigger Based and Basic Information Connection Tool

Banner Grab is a tool that performs connection, trigger-based and basic information collection from network services. The program has two modes of operation; simple connection banner grabbing and the default mode, which attempts to collect additional information using triggers and simple service queries.
Unlike a number of other banner grabbing tools, Banner Grab supports SSL and can perform banner grabbing on SSL-based services.

More information and the most up to date download version can be found via a link on the Titania website under 'Resources' or follow the link https://www.titania.com/freetools?tool=bannergrab and scroll down.


Banner Grab requires the GNU C compiler and the OpenSSL library. Both of these are usually installed by default on a number of Linux distributions. Although this program has not been tested on other platforms it should work if the requirements have been met.


To build Banner Grab, first extract the archive and change into the source directory. Then execute the following command:
gcc -lssl -o bannergrab bannergrab.c
On Mac OS-X you can use the following command:
gcc -lssl -lcrypto -o bannergrab bannergrab.c
If for some reason you need to compile it without SSL support, it can be done with the following command:
gcc -DNOSSL -o bannergrab bannergrab.c


Banner Grab can be run, in its simplist form, by specifying the host and port as parameters.

The command line arguements for Banner Grab are:
  bannergrab [Options] host port

  --udp                Connect  to  a  port  using  UDP.   The
                       default is to use TCP.
  --no-triggers        Collect only the connection banner,
                       no triggers and no SSL.
  --trigger=  Specify  the  trigger  to use.  Specify
                       DEFAULT to use the default trigger.
  --no-ssl             Prevent SSL connection creation.
  --no-hex             Output containing non-printable
                       characters are converted to hex. This
                       option prevents the conversion.
  --conn-time=   Connection timeout (default is 5s).
  --read-time=   Read timeout (default is 3s).
  --verbose            Show additional program details
                       such as any errors.
  --show-triggers      Show the supported triggers.
  --version            Show the program version.
  --help               Display the help text you are
                       reading now.


For those of you that do not want to go through the code here is a brief description of what Banner Grabs actions will be when connecting to a port. This is of course dependant on the user not simply disabling the triggers.
Banner Grab will look at the port number that has been specified and try to match it to a trigger/set of triggers. It does NOT probe the service to determine this. If a trigger is found for that port then it will use that, otherwise it will use the default one.
The triggers for the service will be sent one after another and the response captured. It is as simple as that.
The triggers do the following:
     * Asks for help.
     * Attempts to login anonymously.
     * Quits.

     * Says Hello.
     * Asks for help.
     * Attempts to VRFY postmaster.
     * Attempts to VRFY bannergrab123.
     * Attempts to EXPN postmaster.
     * Quits.

     * Sends two carridge returns.

     * Attempts to enumerate a few users.

     * Asks for OPTIONS.

     * Quits.

     * Asks for HELP.
     * Lists the newsgroups.
     * Quits.

   FW1 Admin
     * Attempts to list IPs.

   FW1 Auth
     * Sends two carridge returns.

     * Performs an Anonymous bind.
     * Gets a list of base Distinguished
       Names (DN).

     * Attempts a login using BannerGrab

     * Waits longer for a MySQL response.

     * Send echo.

     * Send nothing.

     * Queries time
     * Queries read list
     * Queries peers

     * Sends "public" community string
     * Sends "private" community string

   NetBIOS Name Service
     * Name query

   ALL OTHERS (Default)
     * Send OPTIONS and ask for HELP.


SSLScan is covered by the GPL version 3 licence with the following exclusion:
In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give
permission to link the code of portions of this program with the
OpenSSL library under certain conditions as described in each
individual source file, and distribute linked combinations
including the two.
You must obey the GNU General Public License in all respects
for all of the code used other than OpenSSL.  If you modify
file(s) with this exception, you may extend this exception to your
version of the file(s), but you are not obligated to do so.  If you
do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your
version.  If you delete this exception statement from all source
files in the program, then also delete it here.
You can get a copy of the GPLv3 license from www.titania-security.com

For legacy downloads and the latest download please go to the 'Resources' on the Titania website or follow the link https://www.titania.com/freetools?tool=bannergrab

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